At St Therese’s Catholic School, we are fortunate to enjoy some wonderful educational facilities inside and outside the classroom. A recent building programme included alterations and extensions to current classrooms, and a major redevelopment of the Kindergarten space.
The building programme provided an opportunity to transform teaching and learning at St Therese’s through changes to learning spaces. We have ensured that our designs have been a collaborative effort that reflects the culture of our School. Particular attention has been devoted to technology, furniture, lighting, comfort, and location.
We have seen a pedagogical transition from instruction to active learning with increased capacity for, and attention to, personalised learning, collaborative learning, globalised learning, and project-based learning.
Our students have spaces for instruction and presentation; spaces for talking and private study; spaces to access resources; room to move; technology that is ‘just in time’ and flexible; tools for communication; and flexibility in space location and resources. We believe these spaces are flexible and adaptable with furnishings and equipment that can be rearranged with speed and ease, as well as having the capability to switch between individual and group learning settings.
The School buildings are complemented by spacious and creative play areas to support student learning and provide recreation including an undercover play area, a netball/basketball court, oval, play equipment area, an adventure playground, tennis courts and loose parts play.