Religious Education

Religious Education Curriculum

Our teaching staff have embedded the new Good News for Living Curriculum into the learning and teaching Religious Education programme. Our teachers have regular collaborative planning sessions and professional development led by members of the Faith Education Services at the Tasmanian Catholic Education Office to ensure we are delivering best practice in the teaching of Religious Education to our students.

The School in the life of the Parish and Diocese

We regularly hold whole school Masses, Liturgies and prayer services throughout the liturgical and school year. There are also opportunities for class Masses and prayer services. Our students are rostered to attend Parish Masses on a regular basis. The School supports the Sacraments of Initiation (Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation) within the Parish.

Hymn practice is integrated into the learning and teaching programmes of the students and they have weekly practices to learn appropriate hymns. Students are also involved in curriculum units about the charism and history of the School.

Faith Development Programs

Staff and student spirituality is a major focus at St Therese's Catholic School. Staff have the opportunity to further their spirituality through involvement in programmes such as Courage to Be and Christian Meditation. Christian meditation is also being integrated into our classrooms.

Community Participation and Christian Outreach

Our School community actively supports St Vincent de Paul, Socktober and the Caritas Project Compassion appeal each year. We also have a sponsored child in the Philippines, and have activities to promote Mission Week. During the year, our Grade 5 and 6 students visit Foodbank to volunteer their time in service to the community to help pack hampers for those who are need.